Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Interviews on our prototype

Interview on prototype with Maria; 19, female
ME: Do you like the design of our condiment packet?
MARIA: Yes, it’s fancy
ME:  Do you feel there is enough condiment?
MARIA: Yeah, maybe too much though. Sometimes, like when I have fries, I won’t use it all.
ME: Do you like the fact that it will sit in a cup holder?
MARIA: Yeah, very helpful while I’m driving and trying to eat.
ME: Would you use all of the flavors?
MARIA: Yes. If I were eating chicken nuggets or something.
ME: If you were to change anything about it, what would it be?
MARIA: Make it a little smaller.

Nancy; female, 54
ME: Do you like the design of our condiment packet?
NANCY: Yes I do very much. It looks nothing like those little packets.
ME:  Do you feel there is enough condiment?
NANCY: Plenty.
ME: Do you like the fact that it will sit in a cup holder?
NANCY: Yes. If you get it patented, I could use it on the way to Lawrence to see you guys and not make a mess.
ME: Would you use all of the flavors?
NANCY: I sure would. I like sauces.
ME: If you were to change anything about it, what would it be?
NANCY: No you did great.

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